The experience of the environment
What do we have to do?
-Select a seat from which to observe what happens around you
-Describe in a post the space that envelops you
-Answer the six questions

First question: Why did you choose this place?
I’ve chosen the balcony of my student apartment. The south-west facing balcony allows for great light entry. The balcony is the favorite part of the house, I love to sit on the chair and perform my tasks listening to my favorite playlist, and watching my surroundings evolved over time. I think that all the places have something in common, the sky, everywhere is connected by it. Every time you look up to the sky it creates a connection with people that are looking at the same time as you are. Also, we have to talk about how the sky never creates the same patterns of clouds or clours and light, it is never the same and never will be, which allows every day to be different than the other.
Secound question: What makes you comfortable?
What makes me comfortable about this place is the sense of liberty that transmits. On my balcony, you cannot only see sunsets but also you can analyze the movements of the people that are on the street, you can see the evolution of the city of Valencia through the days.
Third question: There is some disruptive element?
In my opinion, every place has some kind of elements that makes the specialness itself. The question is, can be any disruptive elements in a place that you feel special or comfortable?. I think, there can not be any, because if an element of the surrounding lacks then it is impossible to feel comfort or special in it.
Fourth question: Do you think you’d feel the same way in another space right now?
I do not agree. I think every place is unique itself, in this life, you can not re-create anything, even if you repeat the same action every time it will have its uniqueness. The same happens with places, you cannot feel the same in different places, every place will make you feel a different way.
Fifth question: Do you think that the conditions of this space influence its occupants?
I agree with this question, as I mention before, its place has its components, and those components will determine your feelings for the spot.
Sixth question: How?
You can be influenced by many elements, like; the light, the clours, the symmetry, the temperature, the sound, the company, the elevation, the textures, etc.